Kalau Don McLean boleh nyanyi pasal Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night canvas, yang penuh dengan pastel muram dicanting berpusar-pusaran sebagai satu ekpressi 'mistik':
Now I understand what you tried to say to me, How you suffered for your sanity, How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they did not know how. Perhaps they'll listen now.
Canvas kosong/putih lagi banyak maksud tersirat kot...hehehe.
cish...buat saya tunggu2 gambar keluar...rupanye blank ;P
White (light) is colors of the optical spectrum.
Kalau dibias jadi pelangi warna-warni!
PS: I'm the cth0n guy at DA btw
you.. hafez,. i hate the fact u always had something good to say.
i love your blog BTW! in my list!
btw hafez, maybe pembias belum lalu dekat cahaya putih utk wujudkan pembiasan warna warni.
Pembias pelangi seperti titik-titik air di udara. Halus, tapi pelangi tampak cerah.
"At the end of the rainbow, there's a pot of gold."
Bunyi optimistik tapi khayalan.
Cukuplah, pembias kerdil seperti air tadi jadi pembias 'optimistik' membuat warna putih jadi warna pelangi 'khayalan'.
Ceh, dah pukul satu! Tido time.
And...thanks for the "like". Keep your chin up, girl.
Hafez Cth0n bunyi macam jahat. Fez Cthulhu. lagi jahat hahaha.
Actually, 5 tahun lepas nak amik account name kat DA Cthulhu, tapi dah kena rembat. So, amik variety Cthon dalam game Quake.
fez fhtagn! (fez waits -- sleeps)
emptiness! but with full of courage, hopes and value as well. I like!!!
Mr Hafez, saya ingat saya nak pergi beli pembias artificial untuk dapatkan pelangi kekal. I joke. ketawa cepat. *straight face*
Zakiah, I wonder how an empty canvas can actually say almost everything. A picture speaks thousand words.
A picture with no picture? ha ha.
Kalau Don McLean boleh nyanyi pasal Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night canvas, yang penuh dengan pastel muram dicanting berpusar-pusaran sebagai satu ekpressi 'mistik':
Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.
Canvas kosong/putih lagi banyak maksud tersirat kot...hehehe.
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